ORCID data and storage in Crossref Metadata Search

ORCID data and storage in Crossref Metadata Search


The Crossref Metadata Search (CRMDS) app is configured with ORCID Client ID, Client Secret and Redirect URL.

This uses the following ORCID OAuth scopes:

  • /read-limited
  • /activities/update

Storage of ORCID user data

When the user logs in or imports their works, we retrieve their Given Name and Family Name from the /person API and. It is stored in a server-side session. This is so that it can be displayed to the user in the user interface.

The CRMDS server-side session expires at the expires_at specified by the ORCID OAuth2 provider response.

When an ORCID claim is made, the CRMDS server POSTs a work to ORCID’s /work endpoint using the user’s OAuth token. From there, the association is stored in the ORCID system.

The CRMDS server stores a list of ORCIDs of users with DOI claims, along with DOIs that have been claimed against them. It is populated / updated whenever the user uses the CRMDS Sync function (which they are prompted to do on login), or when they claim or unclaim an orcid.

If a user wishes to remove a claim from their record, they must do it from within ORCID’s own user interface. They can then perform a sync in CRMDS, which will update this status in the server-side storage. The CRMDS interface will then display ‘NOT VISIBLE’ next to that work in the search results, indicating that a claim has been stored on the server, but that doesn’t match what ORCID represents. Clicking this will allow a user to click ‘remove’ to remove it completely from the CRMDS database.

Display of ORCID user data

CRMDS stores ORCID information from two routes:

  • From the Publisher Metadata, visible to all users
  • From the claim (detailed above), visible only to logged in user who made the claim.

Users may request that we remove their claims from CRMDS with a support request. However, this data is visible only to them and never displayed to the public.